15 years just turned: a short time but already a long way in the renewable energy sector. The UNDO Group has recently completed the construction of two photovoltaic plants in Umbria, on two industrial sites with a total area of 37,000 square metres. Because increasing the production of clean energy and reducing the consumption of energy from renewable sources such as oil, gas, and coal is in the UNDO Mission, so that we can hand on to future generations an increasingly liveable planet.
The installation of photovoltaic systems on industrial land, a possibility resulting from the incentive mechanism introduced by the Ministerial Decree of 4 July 2019, known as RES1, could give rise to this initiative. Thus, no land is taken away from agricultural production, which would allow the simultaneous production of solar energy and cultivation of agricultural products.
In order to obtain the necessary authorisations and participate in the registers of the Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (GSE), which periodically publishes the rankings of plants eligible for incentives, the Undo Group decided to equip the plant with recharging columns for electric cars to obtain priority access.
In addition, to comply with the regulations of the RES1 decree, the company chose to select industrial land, fulfilling certain obligations imposed by the Umbria Region for the granting of authorisation. These include the planting of hedges on two sides to mitigate the impact on the landscape, the relinquishment of two areas to allow for the passage of a road, and the installation of LED lamps near the Fratta Todina railway station as evidence of the close ties with the local communities.
The company has personally taken care of both urban planning authorisations and grid connection, thus demonstrating its expertise in a sector that is constantly evolving and increasingly important for the future of our planet.