13.5 mln sales in 2019, estimated to rise to 17 mln in 2020


(ANSA) – ROME, JUNE 15 – Roman industrial group Undo, which specializes in clean energy and precision mechanics, had started the selection process in early 2020, has been included among the companies on the international Elite platform founded in 2012 by Borsa Italiana.

“We are proud to have been selected for this coveted and influential program,” comments Umberto Deodati, one of the three founders of the Undo Group: it is “a recognition that rewards the commitment shown every day by all employees and that spurs us on to take on new challenges by turning to new primary-level stakeholders.

We are aware of the path we have taken so far, but we know that we have the resources to be able to continue on new paths of growth with those who share our vision and values.” Founded in 2008, Uno Group now has more than 80 employees and is divided into several companies in the territory dedicated to clean energy production (with about 50 photovoltaic and wind power plants across the country with a capacity of more than 15 MWp) and precision mechanical manufacturing. Turnover, in 2019, reached 13.5 million euros: “in 2020, the group expects to increase it to 17 million euros, with an average growth of 30 percent per year for five consecutive years; “Also in 2019, the Undo group finalized transactions for about 20 million euros in total, while in 2020 it estimates to finalize about 35 million euros.”
The application to the Elite program, a note explains, had “been submitted at the beginning of the year at the urging of Banca Popolare del Lazio’s general manager Pietro Musatti and corporate head Marco Guidi, assisted by the consulting firm VNZ VitaleZane&Co of Brescia.” (ANSA).